May 18, 2006

Open minded liberals - Or Not as the case may be

You are pretty offensive for someone so young and obviously untravelled. That sort of stuff usually takes years of practice. But, you are confusing me for someone who will respond to your racist claptrap. Two pieces of advice for you though. You should learn a bit of balanced history before you spout off on the Palestinian tragedy. FOX news may tell you what you want to hear, but it won't way you down with any facts.
The second is, that if you are going to spin a yarn, there needs to be an element of truth somewhere in there. Bush believes in the UN and is an internationalist? 0 out of 10, sonny.

It's the usual pattern. Open minded liberal comes to Neo-Con's blog, asks questions, then when he doesn't like the answers, starts talking about American arrogance or what not.

Not surprising, and very expected. It is disappointing however, to see it keep happening as folks from Europe come over to this site, because it reinforces my belief, and not jack trainor's, that Europe won't live to hit rock bottom to bounce back up.

Racist is probably one of the 3 deadly insults in Britain and Europe. War monger is probably the worst, along with fascist.

Since I keep my expectations low, I don't run the risk of getting angry when those expectations are met.

You should learn a bit of balanced history before you spout off on the Palestinian tragedy.

Ya, I'll keep that in mind about the next person who says they are open minded about their questions and confusion.

Bush believes in the UN and is an internationalist? 0 out of 10, sonny.

Well, I am seriously interested in getting some genuine perspective about the mindset because this situation has the potential to be a disaster beyond a scale that we've seen.


I am trying to understand the seeming prevailing political psyche within the US.

Good luck in trying to understand something that you've already decided on. There's a 75% chance this fake lying liberal didn't even read the links, because presumably he would have talked about nuking Mecca if he did.

Bye, bye. Send us a note when the jihadists string you up in the streets, we'll take a picture.

The link has the background to this argument.


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